The University of Adelaide,
Johnson Laboratories & Building Upgrade


The Johnson Building upgrade centres on the creation of contemporary learning environments for science for the undergraduate Chemistry students on the first level of the Johnson Building.

Pivotal to the success of the outcome has been the establishment of design strategies that promote trust and trustworthiness for all users. The design has been shaped to enhance opportunities for students to engage with and support one another and to extend learning opportunities beyond the laboratories. The project includes a large scale “wet lab” principally focused on chemistry, a computer lab that will provide a forum to students to engage with “big data” and analytics, a flexible social learning space and improved support spaces for technicians and teaching staff.

The existing building comes with complexities in terms of existing services and interdependencies with adjoining buildings as well as structural complexities. The University wishes to make best use of its iconic heritage buildings in order to provide an enriching and memorable experience for students and staff. Through design this is achieved without compromising the effectiveness of modern learning methods.

Client: University of Adelaide


The University of Adelaide Vibro-Acoustics Research Facility


The University of Adelaide Materials Bio Engineering Laboatories